شركة الضمان للاستيراد والتصدير
You are welcomed in all our branches in ChinaChina – Guangzhou – yiwuServing you always ,,you are safely with ALDAMMANImport all kinds of BEDROOMS only with ALDAMMANFor further information and inquiries contact:Main Branch- PalestinePalestine- Nablus – Sufyan Streer -Al-Israa building – F3Telfax : 0097292378510Branch – China -Guangzhouroom1703 longcheng Building N. 5 Zhongshan eigh Road liwan District .Guangzhou ChinaFax: 00862081375714Branch – China – Yiwu401room,unit2,no.9building,b section,wuai villageyiwu city,zhejiang provincetelefax: 008657985893800008613711552403Skipe:Alaa N H hawwashSkipe Name: Al Damman Company008613711552403Aldamman915@ya….ald mman.comصفحتنا على الفيس بوكhttps://www.facebook.com/aldmman广州荔湾区中山八路5号隆城大厦1703房
You are welcomed in all our branches in ChinaChina – Guangzhou – yiwuServing you always ,,you are safely with ALDAMMANImport all kinds of BEDROOMS only with ALDAMMANFor further information and inquiries contact:Main Branch- PalestinePalestine- Nablus – Sufyan Streer -Al-Israa building – F3Telfax : 0097292378510Branch – China -Guangzhouroom1703 longcheng Building N. 5 Zhongshan eigh Road liwan District .Guangzhou ChinaFax: 00862081375714Branch – China – Yiwu401room,unit2,no.9building,b section,wuai villageyiwu city,zhejiang provincetelefax: 008657985893800008613711552403Skipe:Alaa N H hawwashSkipe Name: Al Damman Company008613711552403Aldamman915@ya….ald mman.comصفحتنا على الفيس بوكhttps://www.facebook.com/aldmman广州荔湾区中山八路5号隆城大厦1703房